Monday, March 21, 2011

Why we should go to college?

      During my high school career, as a students I begin to question the importance of a college education. I might find myself asking, “Why is it important to go to college?” And I told to my self, attending college provides opportunities if  I graduated with a widespread of  higher education for sure there is a better future for me.
     It cannot be denied in the present situation of our country we are now facing an economic crisis. As a student we should do our share in order to solve such problem. Since our parents are trying their best to send us in school to finished our chosen courses we should value this things because are parents believe that education is the only profit that they can give to us.No one can take this whatever happens even if are parents will left us in the future at least they will be confident that we are good enough to face the world. Going to college help us to easily enter a stable and decent job it will make us to be responsible and a better person. If a person is educated she/he can stand with her own and it could be a good citizen of our society. Because in the future we need to be dependent to our self, later we will have our own family and we need to find some resources in order for us to support our family and if you are a college graduate it will be easy for you to find resources because you have the skills and knowledge of whatever job you will enter.

Student should have determination,courage,hope,patient,dreams,initiative to their study and have faith in God for sure nothing is impossible for them not to finish their study. And most all if are parents are always there to support and guide us I'm sure student will be serious and inspired to learn and finish their study. By completing the attendance in school, participating to necessary activities, submitting all the necessary requirements and most of all student like me will study hard in order to pass all the subject being enrolled in school. So that whatever challenges,obstacles and problems come to our life while we are studying always remember that, its only a challenge and test for us to learned from all of this, just take it easy, manage and handle this very well.
1. Create and improve your own study system that produces result. Having a study system is much better than no system at all.
2. Cultivate a burning desire to be successful at school/college. Every moment think of success, talk about success, dream about success, and act for success.
3. Learn to motivate yourself. Make use of reward and punishment mechanism to keep you going like a raging bull.
4. Defeat procrastination at all cost. Do you work according to your plan on time, every time.
5. Have self love as your core value. It’s not about being selfish, but about caring for your own progress.
6. Always support yourself. If you can’t support yourself, you will collapse when no one is there by your side. Self support is a foundation to make you strong.
7. Be independent. Make decision and take action on your own without relying on other people all the time. It’s time to grow up from a boy to a real man.
8. Avoid spoon feeding. It’s for the weak. You have hands and legs to do things on your own.
9. Be a positive person. Be both happy and optimistic.
10. Focus on your study goals. Don’t get distracted easily. Write down your goals and stick them on the wall where you can see it every day.
11. Overcome peer pressure. You have to know what you really want and not succumbing to your friends’ opinion and social expectation.
12. Develop a healthy pride. Not too much pride until you become an egoistic monster, not too little until you lost your confidence. Be proud of your success.
13. Don’t just compare performance with your friends. Compare it with yourself as well. You are your greatest enemy, and constantly doing better than before is a sign that you are progressing. Your value graph is moving upwards all the time!
14. See you study life as a reality game. That makes planning more fun and motivating. You tend to be a strategist if you see it as a game with opportunities and loop holes.
15. Be humble. Learning never stops here and you have a lot of room for improvement. Don’t show off your result too early. Play low key and grow further.
16. Learn how to learn. The better you learn, the better you perform. There are many learning skills out there for you to master. Get books by Tony Buzan and Edward de Bono.
17. Master memorization techniques.
18. Master thinking skills – analytic thinking, problem solving etc.
19. Develop your creativity
20. Master speed reading. You save time and energy (efficient).
21. Play mental games that will sharpen your mind.
22. Meditate frequently. It trains your mind to be disciplined and cultivates emotional control.
23. Develop word power by learning vocabulary. Learn no less than 5 new words per day.
24. Keep a diary. It will make you a good writer, or at least it makes you a prolific writer where ideas flow freely.
25. Read a lot of books – not school text books but non fiction and literature books. More input equals more output (productivity). It develops your knowledge substance.
26. Learn to develop imagination power – not just visualization, but other senses as well, until you can simulate reality in your mind effortlessly.
27. Take your health seriously. Your body affects your school performance directly and indirectly. It sucks to feel sick and tired every time you study.
28. Make a commitment to sleep properly – with both quality and quantity. Bad sleep leads to bad day, every day.
29. Eat properly, go for balance diet. Good food gives you sufficient energy.
30. Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise and energy work helps most. If you have extra time, develop your muscles and do stretching.

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