Monday, March 21, 2011

Why we should take a College Course?

We are students of words: we are shut up in schools, and colleges, and recitation-rooms, for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing.Education would be much more effective if its purpose was to ensure that by the time they leave school every boy and girl should know how much they do not know, and be imbued with a lifelong desire to know it. 
For as student I can say that we really need to take a college course because Elementary grades and High School years are not enough for us to stop schooling because after this there is a next high level of Education which is a college course.College is different from our past years . In college we can learned a lot,we can gained more knowledge, we can experience a lot of things that we never had before in our Education. Here in college we choose our career our destination in life of what we want to become someday.We need to have a professional growth because our knowledge should not stop only in finishing high school. It is very important for us student to pursue in college. As we all know learning is continuously gained. In college we can have a necessary knowledge and skills in order for as to became a globally competent individual. Just like me, in my course as a BSCS student I need to be a computer literate for this is my field or degree. Today in our generation we need to be competent,to learned and help our society for good education. Remember our parents are trying their best to sent us to school whatever it takes. Guys we should always put to our mind that education is very important in our life. Lucky are those who can enter college just like us so that we need to take this opportunity and do are best. And now in my first year in college I learned three important things first to use a library, second to memorize quickly and visually, and last is to drop asleep at any time given a horizontal surface and fifteen minutes.
We can have a lot of friends but remember guys making friends, sometimes is the cause of our
 wrong doing, demons and evil will come so that choose a friend who can give you a good influence and not bad influence. If you let your self to be irresponsible in your study for sure in the end you will suffer a regrets to your self. Regrets are not in the beginning but in the end. 
Remember after we finish our study we can do what we want. On that time we are ready to face the world.We can easily find jobs especially if we have the skills in knowledge on that particular job.
We can reach our dreams, we can help support our parents, we can buy all the things that we want.Study hard and follow your dreams obstacles may come but don't lost hope always trust in God and be a responsible person.

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