Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Want To Know Me?

Scars are like memories, and tattoos. When you fall, when your heart breaks, and when your best friend turns her back on you, it leaves a scar that can hurt every-time you think about it. It’s a memory that is stuck in your head. It’s in the past, but it comes back and bites. It’s a tattoo because it’s a memory that hurts, but doesn’t disappear. It never does. When you see it so vividly, you sometimes regret what led to the scar that is a memory that leaves an imprint in your life’s history.
 I am JENNILYN BAYHON, 19 years of age,born on Dec.15,1991.The daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Evelyn Bayhon. Presently live at Navitas, Panay, Capiz. I graduated  my Elementary Grades at Navitas Elem. School and my Secondary Course was in Pawa National High School. And I presently enjoying my college year at Hercor College. My family was broken since I was in the womb of my Mom, I am now separated with my parents, I grown up to my beloved grandparents and I am very thankful for that. Even though my parents are not on my side for me its good enough to have them I feel contented cause I know everything happen to my life has a purpose that I need to struggle everyday I believed God is always on my side in times of my sadness,loneliness,failure,and trouble I know He is always on my heart. I'm just only a simple girl with curly hair, with brown complexion and has a lot of dreams in life.
So that Live ur  life as a butterfly, cause you too can spread your wings and become something of yourself, and fly away from all pain and suffering, leaving it float away, and having a fresh new beginning. Because I believe if you just watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

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